Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What travels around, goes around

You will be impacted by the ups and downs of the travel industry. It is inevitable. Whether it's the economic downturn being predicted by some forecasters, or the obvious impact the babyboomers will have on the industry over the next 35 years (do you realize how many millions of people we're talking about...most of whom will take trips, cruises, vacations that last a month or more, etc.???).
The questions are numerous, including, "Do I want a piece of this trillion-dollar-plus industry?"
The market shift has already begun. Books have been written about it. Companies have been formed to capitalize on the ideas that all kinds of entreprenuers kick around in their heads. And the questions we all ask about the industry are going to have answers inside the next 3 to 4 years. Perhaps now is the time to discuss an issue that is clouding up the newest part of the industry: internet travel agencies.
First, for those who did not read my profile, I have been a reporter for more than 20 years. Over that period, I have been friends with or acquaintences with at least four "travel professionals" who worked in a building as travel agents. At times I would hear of them barely scraping by, and at other times they reported having been blessed with a thriving business.
I know it has been widely reported for several years that travel agencies are facing declining enrollments in the "brick and mortar" side of the business. Recently, a friend entered into the business and told me about the company he joined early in 2007. I had heard about it in passing, but did not know much about YTB Travel Network. He invited me to a "Red Carpet Day" presentation and said to me, "I think you'll like what you see, but if not, you aren't going to owe anybody anything. All you'd be out is a few hours of your day and you'll even get a free lunch out of it for listening to the spiel." When I went to the Gateway Center in Collinsville, Illinois, I got a quick first impression. Well, okay, a second impression. My first impression was through the website that my friend Jim Fassero (mentioned in my first blog entry for this column) had through YTB, http://www.ytb.com/traveltips365 (Jim's site for entering the business side of YTB as a RTA - Referring Travel Agent). I looked it over and wondered very cautiously if I was looking at something of a scam. Jim, if you were to know him - as I have - for 25 years, is a REAL SKEPTIC. I, especially after what I've seen as a reporter/editor, am even MORE of a skeptical nature. And something told me to look hard at this company, dig around, listen, ask questions of people inside the travel business, look at dozens of web postings and articles about YTB Travel. In other words, soundly and deeply view the company with an open mind, and not be hasty in making ANY decisions about it.
On my first occasion at a YTB Red Carpet Day, some things stood out. The Chairman or CEO of most companies do not tell you up front that they are all about marketing, while the staff that surrounds them is all about operating the company to the highest standards possible. Nor will you likely hear the words "integrity" thrown about in the audience before and after a set of managers talk about their business. I hadn't encountered this kind of culture in a "marketing" business. BUT - I found out that YTB is NO MERE MARKETING BUSINESS. It is a TRAVEL AGENCY, complete with training programs that help RTA's develop the TRAVEL BUSINESS side (selling airline tickets, cruises, etc.) and Reps learn about the marketing side of the company. MOST Chairmen and CEO's are not about to do something else: bring the words "faith" into their presentation, or allow the top company director to bring "God" up during his brief stage presence --- which wasn't the end of my viewing this on a slightly more elevated and spiritual level. In fact, when was the last time a nationally-recognized company had an "introducing our company to you" meeting which ended in the entire room holding hands in prayer? I don't recall hearing of that meeting or that company - not saying it hasn't happened, but it's not something widely reported unless it is a faith-based or God-based business. Certainly, you don't expect to see such a thing in a public venue with a "Marketing Company".
Let me just say that after all that --- a great number of people would be MORE skeptical than interested.
Me? I went back two more times, spent three more weeks looking into the business side of YTB Travel Network, and found myself blessed enough to [have saved up some money and been given a check from working with a non-profit group so that I could] buy my little corner of the market through YTB. It's all over the interent: ONE-POINT-THREE-TRILLION-DOLLARS in the USA is spent on travel yearly. IF I got only .005% of that, I would be able to stop writing columns forever, unless I really wanted to write (okay, I'll always want to write...you're correct).
Meanwhile - there are some falsehoods being released as facts by others on the internet. It isn't hard to spot the mistakes made by those who claim to know how YTB works when releasing their LIES and MISTATEMENTS within their so-called facts. They claim that buying into the company costs much more than it does. They claim that YTB is a "card mill", or a company that does business without meritorious training and certification. Investigate the company yourself, as I have done, and you'll find out it's not perfect - but it is well-done and you can learn the proper way to conduct yourself as a travel agent.
And because of a few industry people who don't like the market-shift or the companies who are taking advantage of such a change, others are bowing to pressures and trying to assault YTB. Well, at least one publication has made a statement regarding this kind of issue.
You can view a column in TRAVEL WEEKLY to see what they say. I'm not going to say it's painting a rosy picture of YTB Travel Network. But, it is NOT an attack. In fact, Arnie Weissmann, who wrote the article titled "YTB and political correctness" ends with a stream of thought that makes me glad that I decided to join YTB Travel Network as an RTA/Rep.
As I learn more about the industry, through classes at YTB University and other resources, I will share some of what I've learned. I am not YET a travel professional - but I will get there. And I hope some of you come to realize the importance of MARKETING in the travel business. If we do NOT market those vacation packages and deals, those airfare specials, all those CRUISES and hotels, trains, buses, car rentals, etc., we may as well pack in our business and let someone else get all the money. Are you willing to let the expedias and orbitzes and travelocitieses get all the pie at the expense of people who legitimately learn the craft? If so, take a good look at yourself and reassess your position in business - not just the travel business.
Special Note: I did not post the link to the article in TRAVEL WEEKLY, but you can subscribe or register with them at: http://www.travelweekly.com/ - and search for articles related to YTB or any other company or news item. They have a ton of great industry information. And they have copyrights - so I didn't want to violate their copyright by printing verbatim information out of the aforementioned article.
(Now, the shameless plug: my sites are listed in the links...marketing or simple booking - look them over and see if you want to join the YTB Travel Network or buy travel through my booking site, which is morningshowtravel dot net)
Thanks for reading!
Buzz, Editor - "Morning Show Travel"
[Available for morning shows soon. Contact me for additional information.]

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