Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pujols is NOT on the list

It's been an interesting afternoon in St. Louis. Being a baseball fan, I, like millions of others , awaited Sen. George Mitchell's report on steroid use in major league (& minor league) baseball.

As I was going through my morning routine, getting set to leave my residence for work, I took it upon myself to listen to KMOX Radio at 11:00 am, for CBS radio News and local news headlines. Being busy, I kept the radio on. Rush Limbaugh enters the airwaves. He immediately begins reciting names of players who, he alleged, were on the list that Senator Mitchell was to release three hours later. He cited the name Albert Pujols. Of course, most of the names he mentioned were in the Mitchell Report. However, King Albert has not been found in that report. I read an online .pdf file - twice. I see former Cardinals' Fernando Vina, David Bell, Jason Christiansen, Kent Mercker, Gary Bennett, Cody McKay, and Larry Bigbie, as well as lengthy references to Mark McGwire and (unindicted due to lack of evidence) current outfielder Rick Ankiel (remember the New York Times story out in time for the 2007 playoffs?...) --- but NO ALBERT PUJOLS.

It seems to me that numerous "officials" get called to the carpet for plagiarism. Should, perhaps, Rush Limbaugh be called out for his ON-AIR USE of materials which were likely posted online on this Thursday morning by a source OTHER than Limbaugh's staff? He went on national radio and didn't cite a source. Just blabbed about the list, the players, and pointed out Albert Pujols as being named in the report which was to come out later in the day.

What are YOUR thoughts on this?

In this instance, would YOU BELIEVE Limbaugh had "sources close to Mitchell" who had told - in confidence - this information? If that is the case, does Mitchell now know of a "leak" in his office? Or, did Rush Limbaugh's group of researchers simply decide an online posting or blog was a credible enough source...without proper attribution...and "GET IT WRONG"???

I may listen to Rush tomorrow to see IF he apologizes. It's possible - even for Rush Limbaugh (known past drug-abuser) - to apologize. Somehow, I think he won't apologize to Albert Pujols, or Johnny Damon (he went on about him, too), or even Sammy Sosa (not named in the report).

Not surprisingly, I have a position on what has been released (I've read - well, skimmed very thoroughly - it twice this afternoon): Senator Mitchell's report could have been more revealing. The investigation could have continued. It's interesting to note what was NOT said versus what HAS been revealed. If you're the senator, what would you recommend happen to the players, the players' association, the doctors and trainers and coaches and others who covered up players who abused and suppliers of the banned substances?

At this point, the names are out in the open. Or are they?

So, will you travel to see a baseball game featuring Andy Pettite, Roger "Hall of Fame" Clemens (if he plays yet again), Gary Sheffield, "home run king" Barry Bonds (if he plays after all the Mr. Anderson was saying to the investigators about his use of the "clear" and the "cream"), even Gary Bennett in 2008?

1 comment:

yorke said...

He also spoke about Julian Tavares and others, referring to the fact that he was not surprised about some of the names. Self righteousness is the hallmark of Rush Limbaugh. He is the self appointed "America's anchorman" who just pulled a Dan Rather. Guess we run him out of town now too. Or wait, his pomposity will not allow him to make a mistake so he will attribute his foible to the overall corrupt nature of the Mitchell Report. He'll say, prove me wrong. I say, shut up and talk about global warming and the Clinton family, two of the ONLY topics on the man's show. Oh yeah, Democrats too. God forbid we hear about his freaking cat again, old spinster that he is. Run stuff before you verify it and stand in judgement, the FOUNDATION of the Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. The Death Rattle of Excellence in Broadcasting.

But he'll still have fans.

Viva Viagra, El Rushbaugh.